Monday, November 24, 2003

current reading : joy in the morning - p. g. wodehouse

i had some problems with internet connectivity at home. the connection used to die after about 10-15 minutes of activity, and then just stop. the cable modem seemed fine, the lights were glowing correctly, the router also seemed fine. after rebooting the modem, it becomes alright, but then again after 10-15 minutes, it used to die.
frustrated, i called up time-warner tech support.
after the usualk questions, he asked me which version of windows i am using. i told him i don't use windows. then he again asks me, 'no, no.. i mean which version of microsoft windows are u using.. is it 95/ 98/ 2000/ xp'. stupid fellow. again, i told him i don't use windows. had a hard time explaining to him that my laptop runs linux. hmm.. wonder how much longer it will take for linux to *really* get recognized....
i mean, it is well known in certain circles.. but it has not yet reached the masses.
and anyway.. we all know that tech support isn't really "techie" enough.

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